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  Social Impact Report

  • A Richer Community
  • Visionary Company
  • Contented Shareholders
  • Motivated Employees

  For the first time this year Sri Lanka Telecom has included a Social Impact Report. As the one of the largest companies in Sri Lanka, we realize that our business activities have an impact that has a wide sweep. While business entities have usually reported to their shareholders we realise that in today’s world this is not sufficient. Modern corporates now impact on a variety of other stakeholders and not just their shareholders. That is why we have considered it important to report on the broader impact our activities have been having on our employees, their families, the community and the physical environment.

We also realise that SLT is in a unique position in today’s coporate world. As the leading provider of fixed and wireless communications services, and with the largest network, by far, of fixed line subscribers, we have a responsibility that surpasses most modern companies our size.

Business activities are so closely linked to the communities in which we function. Communities that respect us will necessarily develop close links with us. There is a strong connection between corporate profitability and community respect. To earn this community respect we know that we must treat our customers, our employees, their families, members of the public and our shareholders with dignity and respect. While we seek to enhance our profitability we must do this in a way that fosters and nourishes the community, our employees and the physical environment. We need profits that are sustainable and are equitable.

Modern corporate citizenship demands that all enterprises seek to enhance the common good. At SLT while we focus on that we are also conscious of our role in enhancing the social wealth of the entire society. We are conscious of the role we play as the major provider of voice and data communications in this country and our proud of the position we occupy.

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