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  Stakeholder Engagement
  The Social Perspective
  The Environmental Perspective


The world today is replete with examples of a crumbling environment in the wake of the harmful actions of man.

There is a direct link between global warming and man-made pollution; between earth slips and forest denudation caused by man; between flooding and man causes misuse of land resources… and so much more.

Everywhere we look, the world as we knew it is very different to the world as we know it. These issues are of such magnitude and concern that to ignore them would be the greatest foolhardiness.

These are problems for business entities just as much as for the individual.

SLT has a long-established ideal of doing everything it can to preserve and protect the resources of nature - of preserving them for future generations - of educating people now for a better tomorrow.

Here are some of the ways how we take our efforts forward:

SLT and the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka

For the third consecutive year, SLT has combined resources with the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (FOGSL) in a project that seeks to create awareness about the Sinharaja Forest Reserve, designated by UNESCO in 1990, as a World Heritage Site.

This initiative is in line with the Company’s own avowed pursuit of ‘Preserving Heritage for Tomorrow’.

The project encourages groups of students and teachers from schools from across the country to visit the Sinharaja Reserve over a two-day period, where they have class-oriented instruction as well as field trips that reveal the phenomenal bio-diversity of the Reserve and what should be done to protect and preserve these natural riches of our land.

FOGSL’s team is led by Prof. Sarath Kotagama, Sri Lanka’s renowned ornithologist.

SLT’s sponsorship helps to make these visits happen and through them, awareness and good conservation habits are inculcated in the emerging generation of young
Sri Lankans, who hopefully will one day take the reins and build a different world.

For the 3rd consecutive year, SLT combined resources with the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (FOGSL) to create awareness about the Sinharaja Forest Rreserve

An Uniquely Themed Company Calendar

In addition to the initiative described in the previous section, SLT publishes a Calendar each year along the lines of our theme ‘Preserving Heritage for Tomorrow’.

In previous years, we have held true to our theme in the production of the Company calendar, extensively featuring such facets of the bio-diversity and arts and culture of Sri Lanka as endemic birdlife, endemic species of orchid, the ‘kolam’ masks of Sri Lanka, endemic species of freshwater fish and the magic of ‘Gok’ art (coconut leaf weaving).

Our calendar for 2009 features the butterflies of Sri Lanka.

These annual ‘pictorial treasures’ help to raise awareness amongst the public and also play a role in ‘events to follow’ such as the setting up of support programmes for the conservation of species and the arts.

A depiction of our calendars themed ‘Preserving Heritage Tomorrow’

Our New Company Theme Song - Totally Employee Produced

The well-renowned Prof. Sunil Ariyaratne commented that it was a rare occurrence indeed, to learn of an organisation with a theme song composed entirely by its employees - and that is exactly what SLT’s employees came up with.

The new Company song was unveiled by our Chairperson on the 1st of January 2009.

The process began when the HR division canvassed entries from staff for their contributions in ideas, lyrics, tune and visuals.

Ultimately, this is a great triumph for the creativity and talent of our people and has received justifiable praise from all quarters.
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