Sri Lanka Telecom Annual Report 2004  
Sri Lanka Telecom - Focussed on Goals Beyond
Vision and Mission
Chairman's Message
Board of Directors
CEO's Message
Business Review
Social Impact Report
Management Discussion and Analysis
Financial Reports
  Chairman's Message
Sri Lanka - 2004
The economy grew despite an uncertain political climate in early 2004 as well as unfortunate situations of flood and drought that affected areas of the island at different times.

The growth in GDP was maintained for the second year running at 5.5%. However, inflation escalated to 7%. The fiscal deficit in 2004 is set to reach 8.7% of GDP, significantly higher than the forecasted level of 6.8%. It is also expected to be higher than the overall budget deficit of 8.0% in 2003.

Whilst one could say that on a business and economic level the country was closing a year of modest gain, nothing prepared us for the catastrophic disaster that ravaged the country on 26 December 2004, in the shape and fury of a tsunami of epic proportions.

The loss of life and property has been unlike any we have seen in recent history. Elsewhere in this report you will read of the implications this single disaster held for SLT.

Whilst an unprecedented outpouring of caring and assistance was evoked amongst Sri Lankans of every circumstance in response, an equally unprecedented global response saw aid rushing into Sri Lanka.

The rehabilitation and reconstruction of communities and livelihoods will take years to accomplish.

This incident looked at in the cold light of economics, is not expected to make any significant impact on the national economy. However, given the scale and scope of what lies ahead, and the actual quantum of assistance that the country receives to mitigate the disaster, the situation could change in terms of its effect on the economy.

Seizing Opportunities in 2004
Development in the industry, technology and customer expectations drove our business in relatively new directions this year. As we said last year, SLT began to aggressively diversify its sources of revenue. We shifted focus from the traditional fixed line revenue to other areas such as mobile telephony and wireless loop technology, among others.

Before I comment on the performance of the Company, I must mention that last December’s tsunami damaged approximately 2% of our Total Network, or 10% of Area Networks in the affected areas. Whilst a fuller account appears elsewhere in this Report, I am extremely pleased to report that SLT was able to restore services in a very short period of time to the affected areas; in fact we provided connectivity to all essential service agencies within a matter of hours after the disaster.

One of the highlights for the Company this year was our entry to the Debt Capital Market through an International Bond Issue which attracted over US$ 1 billion at launch, which was an oversubscription over tenfold. SLT was the first Sri Lankan Company to go in for such an Issue, which attracted an international rating of B+ from both Fitch and Standard & Poor’s. This strategic initiative of the Company will undoubtedly pave the way for other local companies to source funding. The country too will benefit in the long term, through an inflow of funds.

I am also happy to report that SLT inaugurated an Indo-Sri Lanka microwave link in October 2004, bringing to fruition one of the Company’s long term goals of becoming an international long distance carrier for Indian telecom traffic. This initiative is the result of an agreement signed in 2003, between SLT and India’s leading telecommunications Company, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).This project enables SLT to have access to a over 40 million strong customer base.

In August 2004, we carried this concept further by signing an MoU with BSNL to establish an optical fibre submarine cable system between India and Sri Lanka, further enhancing services.

As reported last year, Sri Lanka is a co-partner with 15 other countries in the SEA-ME-WE 4 submarine cable project which will significantly enhance the core infrastructure of our industry.
This year, we were honoured by being unanimously elected to chair its Financial and Administration Committee, with responsibility to secure its completion.

The other area of significant growth during 2004, was seen in the field of mobile telephony. I am pleased to report satisfactory growth in the subscriber base of Mobitel, now wholly owned by SLT. This growth can be attributed to the expansion of Mobitel’s product offering and reach, fuelled by the roll out of its GSM services. Mobitel’s subscriber base has grown from 142,700 as at 31 December 2003, to 285,000 as at 31 December 2004. The 1st phase GSM roll out is expected to be complete by the second quarter of 2005.

Mobitel’s strategy is to leverage its supremacy in technology, value added services and customer care to expand coverage, offer the best and most modern mobile telecom solutions in the market and become Sri Lanka’s No.1 Mobile Telecom Operator in terms of the 4 Cs - Coverage, Customer Care, Clarity and Content.

For many years now, SLT has been extremely conscious of being responsible for its actions within the wider stakeholder community. We must be responsive as well as responsible for needs and wants that will eventually lead to the growth of the economy, the preservation of the environment and the creation of a healthy social milieu to build strong rural and urban societies. A full account of our activities in this cause appears in our Social Impact Report, on pages 38 to 48.

Of the accolades we garnered in 2004, SLT being chosen the No.1 Company in Sri Lanka by the LMD Business Magazine, ranks high. Our blockbuster IPO in 2002, plus our success at transforming SLT into a vibrant blue chip Company saw us virtually storm into the LMD Top 50 to occupy the No.1 slot as Sri Lanka’s Most Valuable Brand, and the country’s top corporate.

We are also extremely proud to have received a SL AAA (sri) bestowed by Fitch Ratings Lanka, in recognition of SLT’s lowest expectation of credit risk. Only companies with exceptionally strong capacity to meet their financial commitments in full and on time, are recipients of such high honour.

SLT is ranked as the second largest public company in Sri Lanka on the strength of a market capitalisation exceeding Rs. 30 billion.

Reviewing the Company’s financial performance for the year 2004, revenues amounted to Rs. 29,588 million as against Rs. 25,553 million for 2003. Net Profit for 2004 amounted to Rs. 1,293 million as against Rs. 2,249 million in 2003.

One factor that contributed in large measure to a drop in profits was the effect of the Government’s levy on International Telecommunication Operators. SLT made a provision against this levy, of Rs. 2,067 million for 2004, which in turn impacted negatively on profits.

Additionally, the Company has made full provision for an outstanding debt amounting to Rs. 1.0 billion, recoverable on the Sigiriya Card transaction. The Board is making every possible effort to ensure that all legal remedies are pursued to recover this outstanding. The consolidated profits have also been impacted by the substantial level of capital investment made by Mobitel, the return on which should be reflected in Mobitel’s performance in the coming years, and also by the excessive level of receivables in the books of Mobitel, provision for part of which has been made in the accounts. These negative aspects were outside the control of the
present Board, many members of which took office only in the latter part of last year.

The Road Ahead
SLT’s successes have been built upon rock solid ground - we have worked extremely hard over a number of years to build the Company into a blue chip corporate, shedding our earlier image of a moribund giant and transforming ourselves into a vibrant, modern and competitive institution at the cutting edge of a sophisticated and futuristic world of communications.

We are moving beyond traditional, locally based fixed line telephony to the exciting world of mobile communications and internet and satellite enabled voice, data, media and entertainment products.

The Company’s main strategy is to position SLT as a premier regional telecommunications operator. This outward looking approach sees the Company seeking to upgrade its global connectivity through additional investments in its international bandwidth capacity such as through the SEA-ME-WE 4 submarine cable project and through interconnection agreements with other national and regional carriers.
We also intend to continue expansion of our international operations by setting up points-of-presence (POPs) outside Sri Lanka, to be able to offer termination, hubbing and transit services to overseas telecommunications service providers.

We will continue to expand and modernise network and services to meet anticipated demand. A whole plethora of technology and product offerings continue to become available at blinding speed. SLT has cumulatively spent Rs. 97,409 million in infrastructure and network development up to 31 December 2003. Our spend in 2004 was Rs. 7,379 million bringing the cumulative spend to Rs. 104,764 million. For 2005, we will earmark Rs. 8,000 million for this purpose.

We are looking to introduce several new value added services whilst fine tuning and developing existing ones to increase our customer base and usage, whilst improving revenue.

A key area of diversification of revenue streams will consist of the Company marketing its considerable capacities and expertise in network, system integration and advanced technology to other telecommunications operators in South Asia and elsewhere in the world.

We also intend to introduce new technology in line with global trends.

A key strategy is also the development of SLT’s brand image into that of a technologically advanced, reliable and customer focussed telecommunications service provider with global reach.


I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to and thank, every employee of the Company across rank and file, for their excellent effort and commitment to the success of SLT. They have taken our strategies from drawing board to operational areas with commendable success. I also thank my colleagues on the Board, whose support and contributions have been invaluable in conducting the business of the Company.

I thank our shareholders for their confidence and continued support of SLT and wish to assure them of our continued commitment to safeguarding and adding value to their investment in the Company.

Anil Obeyesekere, P.C.
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