Sri Lanka Telecom Annual Report 2004  
Sri Lanka Telecom - Focussed on Goals Beyond
Vision and Mission
Chairman's Message
Board of Directors
CEO's Message
Business Review
Social Impact Report
Management Discussion and Analysis
Financial Reports
  Social Impact Report
Sri Lanka Telecom stands at the forefront of the communications industry in Sri Lanka and is rapidly moving out to the global community. We have widened global boundaries, firstly by bringing people closer together via the telephone. As technology advanced, and as we introduced each new product and service that such technology spawned, we began to see boundaries ceasing to be.

Today, the communications industry has virtually no boundaries. Worldwide Internet based products and services put people in touch with the remotest corner of the globe - at the touch of a button, and through a series of relatively inexpensive service providing systems and networks.

Ironically, in a “boundary-less” world, SLT’s business pursuits has not only brought a wide stakeholder group closer together, but the Company has also integrated itself much more closely with their lives and the environment within which we all co-exist.

This close integration, like any worthwhile relationship, thrives on deep respect, morals and ethics of the highest order, recognition of the rights of all parties to co-exist and enjoy a healthy symbiosis and a highly responsible and protective attitude towards the world we live in.

That said, the presentation of this Social Impact Report becomes totally relevant to the Company.

Our Customers
They are our “reason to be”. Fulfilling their communications needs has been our core business over the years. We are truly proud to serve customers from every walk of life. The variety of need that they bring to the table keeps us providing optimum solutions, whether they be a simple telephone connection, or a sophisticated multi-point, multi-product offer.

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Our Shareholders
They’ve put their faith in the Company, invested in it, followed its progress and supported it through the years. Our shareholders have nurtured us towards making SLT an extremely successful institution. In reciprocation we have a duty to return maximum value on their investments in a sustainable manner, whilst maintaining a high degree of responsibility and ethics.

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Our Employees
They are the brain and brawn of the Company; the people who give life to vision and planning; who take enterprise from the drawing board to the customer and beyond. Increasingly more so than ever before, our employees are the “face” of the Company; the image that is imprinted and remains in the “minds eye” of the customer.

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Our Community
Just as every individual has a place in society and the community, so does SLT, as an institution. We occupy a place in people’s lives, not just because we provide them with products and services, unique thought they may be since we are in the business of putting people in touch with each other, but because we form relationships that allow both parties to enter the life of the other.

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Our Environment
Every living being receives a rich bounty of sustenance from the environment. There would be no enterprise, no life whether corporate or private without the bounties of nature.

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Corporate Governance
One of the key facets of our social responsibility system is the corporate governance structure. Our system of corporate governance is based on transparency, equity and efficiency focusing on the need for consistent progress of the Company, and with a view to laying a solid foundation for management and oversight.

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