Sri Lanka Telecom Annual Report 2004  
Sri Lanka Telecom - Focussed on Goals Beyond
Vision and Mission
Chairman's Message
Board of Directors
CEO's Message
Business Review
Social Impact Report
Management Discussion and Analysis
Financial Reports
  Financial Reports
  Report of the Directors
1.   The Directors present herewith the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2004.
Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) was established by an Incorporation Order made under Section 2, State Industrial Corporations Act No. 49 of 1957 and published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 596/11 of 6 February 1990. Under an Order made by the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications on 24 July 1991 under Section 23, Sri Lanka Telecommunications Act No. 25 of 1991 and published in Gazette No. 675 of 9 August 1991, all the property, rights and liabilities (other than those excluded by the agreement entered into between the Minister and SLT as per Sub-section 2 of Section 23 of the Sri Lanka Telecommunication Act) to which the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) was entitled or subject to immediately before the transfer date (1 September 1991) were vested in SLT.

As part of the privatisation process SLT was converted to a public limited company, Sri Lanka Telecom Limited (SLTL), on 25 September 1996 under the Conversion of Public Corporations or Government Owned Business Undertakings into Public Limited Companies Act No. 23 of 1987, vide Gazette Extraordinary No. 942/7 of 25 September 1996. Following the incorporation of SLTL, all of the business and related assets and liabilities of SLT were transferred to SLTL.

Subsequently, on 5 August 1997, the Government as the sole shareholder of SLTL divested 35% of its holding in the issued share capital of SLTL by the sale of 631,701,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each to Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and entered into an agreement with NTT to transfer the management of the Company to NTT. On 2 July 1998, the Government of Sri Lanka divested a further 3.5% of the issued share capital of SLTL by the distribution of 63,170,010 ordinary shares to the employees of SLTL. On 22 March 2000, NTT Corporation transferred the full amount of its shares in the Company to NTT Communications Corporation on reconstitution of the former.

The Government of Sri Lanka divested a further 12% of its holding to the public through the Colombo Stock Exchange in November 2002, bringing down the Government's holding to 49.5%.
The results for the year and the changes in equity are set out in the income statement on page 64 and, the statements of changes in equity on pages 66 and 67 respectively.
The state of affairs of the Company at 31 December 2004 is set out in the balance sheet on page 65. An assessment of the Company during the financial year is given in the CEO’s Review.
The movements in property, plant & equipment during the year are set out in Note 9 to the financial statements.
The Group provides a broad portfolio of telecommunication services across the country, the main activity being domestic and international telephone services. The range of services provided by the Company include, inter alia, internet access, data services, domestic and international leased circuits, frame relay, ISDN, satellite uplink and maritime transmission.

With the acquisition of Mobitel in 2002, the Group became the only fully integrated telecom operator in the country.
The Directors recommended the payment of a first and final dividend of 5% per share for the year 2004 on the issued share capital of Rs. 18,048,600,000.
Total reserves of the Group and their composition have been given in the statement of changes in equity on page 66 of the financial statements.
As at 31 December 2004 there were 1,804,860,000 ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each in issue, and according to the share register the undernoted held more than a 5% interest therein at the balance sheet date.

Name Holding Percentage No. of Shares
Government of Sri Lanka 49.50% 893,405,700
NTT Communications Corporation 35.20% 635,076,318
The public holds 15.30% of the issued share capital as at 31 December 2004.
The Board lays emphasis on good investor relations. In addition to the Annual General Meetings at which the Directors have a dialogue with the shareholders, timely financial reports are presented to them on quarterly and annual basis. The Investor Relations Officers together with CEO meet institutional shareholders and fund managers on a regular basis. Additionally shareholders are kept up-to-date on the Company's business endeavours and other activities undertaken to enhance shareholder value, through its quarterly newsletter "Investor".
During the year the Board comprised nine Directors and as at 31 December 2004 the Directors were:

Mr. Anil Obeyesekere, P.C. - Chairman Appointed as Director on 25 June 2004 and elected as Chairman on 29 July 2004
Mr. Shuhei Anan - Chief Executive Officer -
Mr. S. B. Divaratne Appointed on 27 May 2004
Mr. Nigel Hatch, P.C. Appointed on 25 June 2004
Mr. Lalith De Mel Appointed on 26 August 2004
Mr. Sadao Maki Appointed on 26 August 2004
Mr. Palitha S. Thenuwara Appointed on 30 September 2004
Mr. Kiyoshi Maeda -
Mr. Kiyoshi Maeda -
    Mr. Takashi Akiyama ceased to be an alternate to Mr. Mitsuhiro Takase with the latter's resignation from the Board on 17 June 2004. However, he continues as an alternate to Mr. Kiyoshi Maeda and Mr. Haruhiko Yamada. The principal Directors being non-executive their alternate only attended Board meetings.

Mr. Tadashi Imachi was appointed to act as alternate to Mr. Sadao Maki on 26 August 2004.

The following who were Directors of the Company at the beginning of the year ceased to hold such office on the dates mentioned below:

Mr. K. A. P. Goonatilleke Removed on 3 March 2004
Mr. N. Pathmanathan Resigned on 10 May 2004
Mr. Mitsuhiro Takase Resigned on 17 June 2004
Ms. M. A. R. C. Cooray Resigned on 25 May 2004
Mr. K. C. Logeswaran Resigned on 25 May 2004
Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala Resigned on 4 August 2004
Mr. Palitha Thenuwara Compulsory resignation 28 February 2005
Re-election of Directors
The Company's Articles of Association require that one-third of the Directors retire at each Annual General Meeting of the Company.

Accordingly Mr. Kiyoshi Maeda retires in terms of Article 91 and being eligible offers himself for re-election.

During the year, the under-mentioned Directors were appointed to fill casual vacancies arising from the resignation of Incumbent Directors. The Directors who have been so appointed by the Board retire in terms of Article 97 and being eligible offer themselves for re-election.
Mr. S.B. Divaratne
Mr. Nigel Hatch
Mr. Lalith De Mel
Mr. Sadao Maki
The Directors’ interests in contracts and proposed contracts with the Company, both direct and indirect, are set out in Note 29 to the financial statements. The Directors have disclosed the nature of their interests in contracts and proposed contracts with the Company at meetings of the Directors.
Directors' individual shareholdings in the Company as at the year end and their corresponding holdings as at the end of the previous year were as shown below:

Name 2004 2003
Mr. Lalith De Mel 35,500 N/A
Within the corporate entity, the Company business and affairs are managed and directed with the objective of balancing the attainment of corporate objectives, the alignment of corporate behaviour within the expectation of the law and society and the accountability to shareholders and responsibility to other recognised stakeholders.

The Remuneration Committee comprising the Chairman and the CEO determines the Senior Executives remuneration and compensation.

The Audit Committee comprises of 3 Non-Executive Directors with CIA attending the meetings by invitation.
All statutory payments to the government and the employees have been made at the balance sheet date.
It is the responsibility of the Company to operate in a manner that will not have a detrimental effect on the environment and to provide products and services of the highest quality that have a beneficial effect for our customers and the communities within which we operate.
The Company holds an unlisted investment in Intelsat Limited, which provides telephony and other related services via geosynchronous satellites around the globe.
During the year, the Company contributed Rs. 2,000,000 (2003 - Rs. 1,425,000) for charitable purposes. Of the above contributions Rs. 600,000 (2003 - Rs. 1,200,000) was for a government approved charity.
The Financial Statements are prepared based on the going concern concept. The Board of Directors are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue its operations in the foreseeable future.
No events have occurred since the balance sheet date, which would require adjustments to, or disclosure in, the financial statements.
A resolution to re-appoint our present Auditors, Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers, Chartered Accountants, who have expressed their willingness to continue, will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
    By Order of the Board

(Sgd.) P.G. Dias

4th April 2005

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